Nanny Membership
At this time, we are accepting Nanny Membership Applications. To join MPNA, you must be at least 18 years of age, a Michigan resident, and currently working as or seeking work as a nanny. For membership purposes, "Nanny" is defined as a childcare professional who provides regularly scheduled frequent care for a child/children in the child/children's home. Au pairs are included in this definition. Occasional babysitters, childcare center workers, and those who care for children out of their own (caregiver's) home do not meet this definition. While we recognize the importance of, and highly respect, ALL quality childcare providers, we currently seek to meet the unique and specific needs of nannies.
Annual membership dues are $15. Upon acceptance of your membership application you will be contacted with payment options.
*please note*
MPNA does not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, cultural background, political persuasions, able-bodiedness, musical preferences, taste in clothing, favorite color, or any other random thing that people might discriminate for. We do, however, discriminate against child abusers.
By clicking "done" on our membership application you are agreeing that all information you have provided is true and accurate. Furthermore, you agree that if you are found to have provided false information that your membership will be revoked and any dues paid will be forfeited in full to MPNA.
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