Business Memberships
We are currently accepting Supporting Member applications. Applicants must fulfill at least one of the following requirements:
* Have a location or employee(s) in the state of Michigan
* Have previously demonstrated direct service to/with nannies and/or household employees, even if located outside of Michigan.
We reserve the right to deny membership to:
* Any out of state business/organization which cannot demonstrate a valid, working connection to the childcare industry
* Any in state business/organization whose business/purpose is politically based and/or contrary to the child and family focused nature of MPNA
Membership dues for Supporting Members are $50 annually. Paid membership entitles you, your business, or organization to:
* The right to advertise your business on the MPNA website by placing contact information, including text link or button link to your website, on our Supporting Members Page.
* Nanny Agencies may send us information regarding open nanny positions for forwarding to our nanny members.
* Supporting Members who, by nature of their business, offer classes trainings, conferences and/or workshops which directly pertain to the work of nannies may ask to have their event information posted on our events calender and/or promoted through our nannies only email network.
* The right to attend MPNA events and functions.
* The opportunity to offer your services and expertise to our nanny members via workshops and on-site trainings.
We appreciate your interest. Upon reviewing your application, we will contact you with further information and payment options.
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